Our Graphic shows the licensees with the leading number of vouches as listed on adviserratings.com.au
We provide the ability for advisers who have claimed their profile on our site to vouch for the integrity of other advisers, and to receive vouches themselves.
This is just a simple, small way to further enhance the reputation of financial advisers and to show the public who is respected among their peer network.
This peer endorsement can also indicate the "thickness" of relationships, An adviser with more vouches would likely be engaged more fully within their advice network, which facilitates the opportunity for continued professional development.
We already have over a thousand individual vouches on our site. The licensee with the most vouches at the time of publishing was Charter Financial Planning with 132 whilst the advisers from Advice Evolution have had 67 peer endorsements this year alone.
If you're an adviser, what's stopping you from giving an endorsement to peer, with a vouch for their integrity today?
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