Over time, adviser Lyle Greig has built up an online presence publishing pieces in his business website, video blogs on YouTube and posting on LinkedIn. In January, Lyle joined the Adviser Ratings subscription service and in around a month has had 500 profile page views, 51 client reviews and has had multiple leads on our site.
We wanted to get Lyle’s take on the importance of on-line engagement, how much work it involves, and where he thinks Adviser Ratings fits into the mix.
How important do you think an on-line presence is?
It’s very important. Especially for validation. For better or worse you are what Google says you are and if you’re not coming up in their search it’s a killer.
What sort of things have you done to create your on-line presence?
I’ve built it up over time. I do a monthly investment and strategic update that I put on YouTube. I have several videos on our business site and I also use Social Media channels like LinkedIn.
How much time do you invest in on-line engagement?
Probably only a few hours a month. It doesn’t have to be too hard. My thinking is you don’t need to over engineer a social media post. Sharing is important. I also only post things when I’ve got something to say. Some businesses I’ve connected with start bombarding you with emails and I think – “I like you, but I don’t like you that much”. We all know how full our email inboxes can get.
Where do you see Adviser Ratings fitting into your on-line strategy?
I think it is the way of the future. The way to go. What is a consumer meant to do if they want advice and haven’t got a referral? Look up someone in the phone book? I’ll use Adviser Ratings as a third party, independent validation site. If I get some leads, that’s great. It’s great to have testimonials on there. I’ve tried to collect testimonials before, put them on a PDF and used different surveys. I found it very laborious, but with Adviser Ratings it’s all in one hit – which I think is fantastic.
Why did you subscribe to Adviser Ratings?
I always try to be ahead of the curve. It’s the place anyone can go to get validation of an adviser. We take the risk to put ourselves out there, but in today’s world you have to do it. I like your mission statement and the way you go about things. I don’t particularly like using Facebook or Twitter and don’t think you can do everything, but I think Adviser Ratings is absolutely complimentary to my online strategy.
Lyle Greig is a CFP from Bridges Financial Services in Hurstville, in Sydney.
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