Adviser Ratings has won a coveted position at the Australian British FinTech Cyber Catalyst (ABFCC) 2018, in London.
The Australian British Chamber of Commerce recently announced winners, who will be sponsored to join the ABFCC conference in London and the South-West in July, 2018.
“The Australian British Chamber of Commerce is proud to support successful and growing Australian businesses in innovative and pioneering industries like FinTech and cyber” said David McCredie, CEO of the Australian British Chamber of Commerce.
More than 60 Australian FinTech and cyber security industry leaders will visit the UK in July, participating in ABFCC events and activities with government, regulators, investors, start-ups, scale-ups and clients in London.
“The recent announcement of the UK-Australia FinTech Bridge demonstrates the strong opportunities for Australian businesses to expand overseas, develop international partnerships and share best practice" McCredie said.
Part of the trade mission will enable participants to exchange ideas, best practice and thought leadership in the areas of regtech, cyber security, payments, software and big data, and will give delegates the opportunity to showcase their expertise and pitch to UK financial institutions and investors.
The successful Australian companies for the supported places in the delegation were:
Trade ledger
TRAction FinTech
Adviser Ratings
CYDARM Technologies
Airlock Digital
For the full Australian British Chamber of Commerce press release and event testimonials, see here.