Peter from the Gold Coats asked whether you would recommend a negative gearing strategy in this environment seeing there's pressure growing from many areas to change the system and also in some markets there's a warning of a property bubble which could burst?
Top answer provided by:
Fergus Hardingham
Note - All advisers responses are general advice only and does not take into account personal circumstances
Fergus Hardingham Responds:
While the Adviser Ratings Website facilitates the question and answer functionality, all such communications are between users and authorised financial advisers, of which Adviser Ratings has no affiliation. Adviser Ratings is not the advice provider and does not provide financial product advice and only provides information that is general in nature.
Article by:
"I agree with all the above comments! The only point that I would like to make is that gearing certainly has a place from a strategy perspective. Gearing alone, (as a single strategy, be it for property or shares) may/could be costly. However gearing in conjunction with other strategies with a view of long term 'hold' could prove positive. All previous comments/concerns are of sound and mind and anyone considering gearing as a strategy should seek advice from a qualified financial planner."
robert 20:43 on 12 Aug 15