Can you tell me who besides Australian Super offers a member direct option to invest directly in shares and ETFs? I am interested in doing this in a traditional super account not a SMSF account. What are the pros and cons of doing this? Thanks.
Top answer provided by:
Tony Sarai
There are quite a number of platforms that allow direct share and exchange traded fund (ETF) investments in superannuation whether that be industry, retail or SMSF. Each platform will have their own investment objectives and management fees, features and investment options and the pros and cons of each will depend on the individual’s personal circumstances, goals, objectives, risk profile, investment time horizon, etc. We are therefore unable to provide a list of appropriate platforms to research that would be most appropriate for you.
There are some great advantages with investing in both direct shares and ETF’s within superannuation. From greater control through to a greater choice of investment options, direct shares and ETF investments through superannuation have the ability to add diversification to a portfolio and potentially appropriately match an individual’s appetite for risk. However, depending on a client’s investment time horizon, asset mix and risk profile, direct shares and ETF’s may in fact unnecessarily increase the investment risk to the portfolio. Before taking any action, it is always best to seek personal professional financial advice tailored to you. This will empower you to make well-informed financial decisions every step of the way.
While the Adviser Ratings Website facilitates the question and answer functionality, all such communications are between users and authorised financial advisers, of which Adviser Ratings has no affiliation. Adviser Ratings is not the advice provider and does not provide financial product advice and only provides information that is general in nature.
Article by:
"Hi Hannah, Tony is absolutely correct in encouraging you to consider diversification and the risk that is appropriate to your situation. As a general comment I am aware that Australian Super and EISS offer direct shares, these could also be compared to the offering from netwealth, in my experience they will work with an adviser or direct with you - or a combination. Don't forget to consider the administration fees and brokerage of each option and if the trades are executed straight away or only once a week.Some platforms will charge the client more if they don't use an adviser. "
Ursula Boorman 17:31 on 24 Mar 17