This week we get four advisers to respond to the following question from Tracey in Gosford..."I recently received an inheritance of several hundred thousand dollars. We have got a small mortgage ($150K) and outstanding debt of 90K (car, credit cards etc). Both my husband and I are mid 40’s and work and bring in about $110k per year together. Should we use the money to pay off debt and mortgage or should we invest it? Are there any better options?"
Tracey in Gosford, NSW
Read the response of Matt Meehan from Lifesolver Financial in Armidale, NSW, here
Read the response of Anthony Roe from Roe Financial in Glandore, SA, here
Read the response of Christine Lusher from Lusher Financial Services in Cooks Hill, NSW, here
Read the response of Sarit Shah from Enlighten Financial Services in Joondalup, WA, here
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