Our Adviser Profile this week is Tim Henry, a Platinum Adviser with 97 reviews and an average customer rating of 4.86 out of 5 Stars. Tim works at Aspire It’s Your Life in Cheltenham, Victoria
1. Best thing about being a financial adviser?
Helping real people achieve their dreams and aspirations is unbelievably rewarding!
2. One thing you would like to see improved or changed in the industry?
Most clients need help in articulating their life’s goals and objectives. The industry is evolving strongly in this area of client engagement but we must continue to improve constantly.
3. The areas on their finances or economy that worry your clients the most?
Most clients are worried about the next phase of their lives and what they need to do to succeed in that phase.
4. What's the strangest question a client has ever asked you?
Ha ha. There are no strange questions!!
5. If you could get three things into consumers' heads about what advisers do or don't do what would they be?
a) Its YOUR Life - the adviser is there to create a recommendation that sets out to achieve what YOU want.
b) The adviser is the person who will provide you with a step by step action plan. One that will motivate and inspire you and help you build momentum in your life.
c) We are there in good times and not-good times. Providing you with planned support, no matter the situation.
6. How do you describe your job at BBQs?
I am a coach – helping clients my clients align their wants with a suitable and measurable plan.
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"Tim is a great adviser and a fantastic human being!"
Pete 14:25 on 19 Jan 18