Our Adviser Profile this week is Sean Hinson, a Gold adviser with 13 reviews and an average customer rating of 99%. Sean loves connecting with people to help them and services his clients from his firm, Wealth Developers in Mount Gravatt in Brisbane.
- Best thing about being a financial adviser?
I became a financial adviser because I love helping people. I love connecting with people, surpassing the transactional conversations and getting to know the real person.
- One thing you would like to see improved or changed in the industry?
More focus and energy spent on highlighting the positive impacts of good financial advice on people’s lives.
- The areas on their finances or economy that worry your clients the most?
I believe fear comes from a lack of understanding and a short term focus.
An understanding of why you are doing what you are doing and an understanding of the long term benefits will cancel out a lot of the short term noise.
- What's the strangest question a client has ever asked you?
For people genuinely seeking financial advice, there are no silly questions.
Have the confidence to ask the questions you think are silly/strange, they rarely are.
- If you could get three things into consumers' heads about what advisers do or don't do what would they be?
a) Communicate, openly and honestly about your situation, it helps the adviser get to know you and positively influences the outcome.
b) Everything builds from the base, get the basics/foundations right and it all flows from there.
c) There is no magic pill or quick fix. Rome was not built (via the internet) in a day.
How do you describe your job at BBQs?
I help people with their finances.
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