
In Brief: July Edition  

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Advice industry remains stable: Report

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24 July 2024 by Shy-ann Arkinstall, ifa

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According to Adviser Ratings’ 2024 Q2 Database Report, the number of advisers dropped in July last quarter by 126, down to 15,530 from 15,476 in April, with the majority of losses occurring in the last month, which is likely due to the end of the financial year.

The number of advice practices also decreased over the period with 6,056 currently in operation, down from 6,105, while the total licensees has remained the same at 1,841.

The gender makeup of the advice profession has remained similar to the previous quarter, with 22 per cent female, slightly down from 22.2 per cent in the previous quarter, and 78 per cent male, showing little change over the past five years despite efforts to encourage more women into the profession.



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