I joined the Financial Planning industry in 2012, working with Nick Bruining to deliver easy to understand advice with
NC Bruining and Associates (NCBA).
Immediately prior to joining NCBA, I worked for Centrelink’s Financial Information Service.
I founded Jarrah Bridge Financial Planning in 2020.
I started my career in computer centre management with Telecom, before it became Telstra.
This was followed by a second career in teaching, before joining Centrelink in 1997.
Along the way, there was also ownership of a customer service based small business for several years, and the raising of a family.
Before entering the Financial Planning industry with Nick Bruining, I was a Financial Information Services Officer, Centrelink’s equivalent of of a financial planner for over seven years. I specialised in superannuation and aged care. After working for Centrelink for more than fourteen years, I have an extensive knowledge of Social Security law and the financial issues pertaining to aged care.
I founded Jarrah Bridge with the intention of creating simple, yet effective strategies to help clients plan for their retirement and then maximise their retirement income. My ability to explain financial concepts in easily understood terms is well known and is a common comment from my clients.
Recent reviews
At a glance
Adviser status
- Rating
- Number of reviews 4
- First year providing advice 2012
- Years of experience 13
Highest qualification
- Diploma of Financial Services
Language spoken
- English
Jarrah Bridge Financial Planning
43 Victoria StMidland, WA 6056

Opening hours
- 9:00am – 5:00pm Monday – Friday
Meeting methods
- In person
- Phone
Licensed by
Jarrah Bridge Pty Ltd
AFSL 536661