Aged Care advice:
When the time arises to help a loved one into an aged care facility, it can be confusing and emotionally challenging for all.
You know you want the best care, but the practical issues also need to be considered. Is the preferred aged care facility affordable in both the short and long term? Will the choices you make now impact on pension entitlements? Will the family home need to be sold to obtain capital to pay for aged care?
Its important to ensure you know all the facts and take some time to plan to make sure you make the right decisions in this challenging time.
As an Aged Care Specialist Financial Adviser I can meet with you to formulate a plan that considers all of your aged care funding options. The plan will incorporate:
- how to organise or structure the accommodation payment/accommodation contribution (whichever applicable) based on your goals and objectives
the calculation of the Means Tested Care Fee
- minimising theses costs and charges where possible
- an analysis of cash flow to ensure there is sufficient income to meet all outgoings
- an analysis of Centrelink/DVA entitlements and maximising these where possible
- planning to make care affordable in both the short and long term.
Please don't hesitate to contact me for a no obligation initial consultation on 0429438464.
Warmest Regards,
My fees
A flat dollar fee is payable for engaging financial planning services. The fee payable will range from $3,300 to $6,600 depending on the services to be engaged. All fees will be advised prior to the Engagement of services.
At a glance
Adviser status
- First year providing advice 1999
- Years of experience 26
Highest qualification
- Bachelor of Business (International Trade)
Language spoken
- English
Vista Financial Group
6-8 Keys StBeaumaris, VIC 3193

Opening hours
- 8:00am – 4:00pm Monday – Tuesday, Thursday – Friday
Meeting methods
- In person
- Phone
- Video call
Licensed by
Count Financial Limited
AFSL 227232