I am an independent financial adviser with a focus on providing affordable, customised advice to individuals and families.
I have worked in the financial services industry for over 25 years and have been a financial adviser for 11 years.
My fees
I offer a free initial consultation for potential new clients.
Get in touch
At a glance
Adviser status
- First year providing advice 2005
- Years of experience 20
Highest qualifications
- Graduate Diploma of Financial Planning
- Certified Financial Planner (CFP)
- Graduate Diploma of Applied Finance and Investment
Language spoken
- English
Custodia Wealth Solutions
Suite 106, 999 Nepean HwyMoorabbin, VIC 3189

Opening hours
- 8:00am – 6:00pm Monday – Friday
Meeting methods
- In person
- Phone
- Video call
Licensed by
Custodia Wealth Solutions Pty Ltd
AFSL 527745