What’s on your Top 10 list? A new quest? A hidden passion? Future travel or just more quality time with friends and family? At any moment we have the freedom to make a list of important choices – choices that will create a bright new direction for our life. The truth is, most of us are so busy doing what we think we have to do that we never get around to what we really want to do.
Hi, I’m Pete Hawcroft and as a Financial Adviser I’m afforded the opportunity to help make what I believe is the greatest contribution in helping other people achieve their own goals and dreams.
Early on whilst at university I had the chance to deploy to East Timor as a Reservist. From that moment I changed my outlook on what really matters in life as I was inspired by the coming together of individuals, families and communities in order to achieve a greater goal.
For me, this ignited a passion with adding value and meaning in other people's lives. For me, being a financial adviser is so much more than just numbers and strategies. It is a rare privilege to be invited into someone's life and to be able to assist them not only in achieving their financial goals but share with them my thoughts and passion to pursue their personal goals.
There is no better reward for me than seeing my clients live a life well lived and without fear and regret. Life is short. Live your dream and wear your passion!
Recent reviews
At a glance
Adviser status
- Rating
- Number of reviews 7
- First year providing advice 2004
- Years of experience 21
Highest qualification
- Bachelor of Commerce (Financial Planning)
Language spoken
- English
Scout Private Wealth
22 Greenhill RdWayville, SA 5034

Opening hours
- 9:00am – 5:00pm Monday – Friday
Licensed by
Consultum Financial Advisers Pty Ltd
AFSL 230323