I am a big believer that life is to be enjoyed. We should all be able to spend our time doing the things that give our life real meaning and purpose. Life is short though and we only get one shot at it so we need to make every decision count.
Especially the financial ones!
I help my clients by giving them greater financial certainty of achieving the things in life that are important to them.
The way I do this is by developing financial strategies that give each of my clients a clear understanding of where they want to go and how they are going to get there. I am then responsible for coordinating their team of professional advisors (i.e. accountants, lawyers, brokers) and project-managing their services to deliver the outcomes that are important to each client. For this reason, my clients often think of me as their 'Lead Advisor'.
The clients I typically work with are high-income professionals who enjoy their lifestyle but feel like they're not making the most of their financial opportunities. They are intelligent and motivated people who understand what is important in their life and they want more financial certainty that they will achieve it.
My fees
Recent reviews
At a glance
- Adviser status Platinum
- Rating
- Number of reviews 15
- First year providing advice 2009
- Years of experience 16
Highest qualifications
- Certified Financial Planner (CFP)
- Graduate Diploma of Applied Finance
- Graduate Certificate in Financial Planning
Language spoken
- English
Gilkison Group
Ground Floor, 1 Preston StComo, WA 6152
Licensed by
Gilkison Group
AFSL 230095