Chalice is 100% privately-owned, independent of any ownership links to financial institutions or service providers. With our own Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL) we are ideally positioned to meet the ongoing needs of a growing number of people looking for non-associated, independently-owned advice firms. Personally, I have been providing financial advice to a variety of clients from young individuals to retirees for several years now. I focus on investment management (super and non-super) that seeks capital preservation as a worst-case return, rather than 'the market' return. I am happy to talk to anyone who feels they may be in need of financial advice. I encourage you to simply email me your questions or concerns surrounding your financial situation. An initial consultation is at no cost, and is simply a ‘getting to know you’ session for both parties. Please feel free to visit our website for further details on the services we provide -
My fees
We are comfortable negotiating a fee structure that both suits our clients and ensures we are fairly remunerated for the work we do. This can result in either of the above fee structures being used or even a hybrid of both.
Recent reviews
At a glance
Adviser status
- Rating
- Number of reviews 3
- First year providing advice 2008
- Years of experience 17
Highest qualification
- Diploma of Financial Services (Financial Planning)
Language spoken
- English
Chalice Financial Services
Level 1, 43 Cedric StStirling, WA 6021

Opening hours
- 9:00am – 5:00pm Friday
- 9:00am – 6:00pm Monday – Thursday
Licensed by
Chalice Nominees Pty Ltd
AFSL 246305