I have been working in the financial services industry and providing advice to clients since 1998 in the areas of Retirement Planning, Wealth Creation, Wealth Protection and Aged Care.
My fees
Fees may be charged for the services I provide. These fees will be agreed upon and confirmed to you prior to any service provided. Current fees and charges (GST inclusive) are:
Advice Preparation Fees
Fees for the preparation of your advice may range between $1,100 - $9,900.
Advice Implementation Fees
Fees for the implementation of your advice may be set fee ranging between $1,100 - $9,900.
Alternatively, our implementation fee can be calculated as a percentage of your total portfolio ranging between 0% - 5.5%.
Ongoing Advice Fees
Fees for your ongoing service may be a set fee ranging between $1,650 - $11,000 pa.
Alternatively, our ongoing advice fee can be calculated as a percentage of your total portfolio between 0% - 1.1%.
The exact amounts of fees and charges and initial and ongoing commissions for the products you have purchased as a result of my recommendation to you will be detailed in your Statement of Advice.
At a glance
Adviser status
- First year providing advice 1996
- Years of experience 29
Highest qualifications
- Fellow Chartered Financial Practitioner (FChFP)
- Graduate Diploma of Financial Planning
Language spoken
- English
Lifenet (WA) Financial Advice
Unit 6, 231 Balcatta RoadBalcatta, WA 6021

Opening hours
- 8:30am – 5:00pm Monday – Friday
Meeting methods
- In person
- Phone
- Video call
Licensed by
Count Financial Limited
AFSL 227232