Glenn Pitt profile photo

Glenn Pitt

Beachside Financial Services Pty Ltd

19 Yrs Experience
North Curl Curl, NSW 2099

Glenn has operated for over ten years a successful Financial Advice business to clients focussed upon the Northern Beaches area of Sydney.

A holistic financial planning service is provided to all age groups including:

o Wealth Accumulation strategy and advice

o Share Market investment strategy and advice

o Debt minimisation strategy and advice (clever use of Loans)

o Gearing strategy and advice

o Tax minimisation strategy and advice

o Asset protection strategy and advice

o Life, trauma and income protection insurance advice

o Retirement planning strategy and advice

o Superannuation and rollover strategy and advice

o Self Managed Superannuation Fund strategy and advice

o Social Security advice

o Estate Planning advice

o Corporate Superannuation advice

Importantly, the area of Self Managed Superannuation is an area of specialisation, and following recent legislation announcements, now provides many tax effective investment and lifestyle solutions for clients including a very wide choice of investment options – notably including the purchase of direct property.

Additionally, the SMSF sector now allows the use of Limited Recourse Borrowing Arrangements (SMSF Loans), and the payment of self funded pensions whilst still working and the significantly lower rates of taxation afforded within the Superannuation environment for all Australian citizens.

As a “Fee for Service” adviser, Glenn prefers to be paid for the work undertaken just like any other professional service provider, and when paid in this manner, rebates all commissions upon managed funds and similar investment products within the Financial Advice business. In this way you always know the advice is impartial and focused upon your specific needs and requirements and not influenced by other factors.

Importantly, Direct Property may be included within the overall investment strategies where appropriate and hence this asset class is often included within the recommendations provided where appropriate. Appropriate referrals will be provided to licensed Real Estate Agents and partners when requested.

Glenn has significant post-graduate Financial, SMSF Specialist Adviser and Tax (Financial) Advice qualifications, which simply means you can trust the advice provided as based on extensive formal and industry qualifications, and not based on a simple Diploma earned many years ago as some advisers do.

As a resident on the Northern Beaches area of Sydney, Glenn actively participates in the community and focuses his energies upon assisting clients achieve their lifestyle and financial goals within the time periods desired and within their risk profiles.


  • Superannuation
  • Insurance Protection
  • Retirement & Pension
  • Self Managed SuperFunds
  • Shares & Investments
  • Borrowing
  • Tax Strategies
  • Growing Assets
  • Wills & Estates
  • Budgeting

My fees

I offer a free initial consultation for potential new clients. Get in touch

We offer a Fee for Service approach re Investments and where implemented do not receive commissions or remuneration from the actual underlying Investments. Our Advice and Strategies stand alone from the actual products deployed.

At a glance

  • Adviser status Platinum
  • First year providing advice 2006
  • Years of experience 19
  • Highest qualifications
    • Graduate Diploma of Financial Planning
    • Fellow Chartered Financial Practitioner (FChFP)
  • Language spoken
    • English

Beachside Financial Services Pty Ltd

17 Parr Ave
North Curl Curl, NSW 2099

Opening hours

  • 9:00am – 5:00pm Monday – Friday

Meeting methods

  • In person
    In person
  • Phone
  • Video call
    Video call

Licensed by

Synchron Advice Pty Ltd

AFSL 243313