Justin Hooper

Sentinel Wealth Management Pty Ltd

26 Yrs Experience
Sydney, NSW 2000

Managing Director, Financial Strategist, Speaker, Author

Many, many intelligent Australians are becoming more and more concerned about how they are living their lives. They are materialistically successful and living comfortable lives but have realised that their existence is not what they ultimately want for themselves. They are ambitious in a more meaningful way.

The problem however is that instead of freeing them, money is getting in the way. Their lives are so busy, and their financial obligations so many, that they don’t have either the time or the structure to address the more important issue. Added to this, they often have a history which has created a set of beliefs around money which subconsciously form a comfort zone within which they make their financial decisions.

About Justin

Five years before the Global Financial Crisis, Justin identified this problem and built a solution. His training in the USA on Life Planning perfectly complimented his business degree, CFP and exposure to scenario planning. He developed the Seantos Process a unique step-by-step approach to integrating life and money, and wrote his first book, A Richer Life.

Being equally left and right brained, his approach has been built on gaining a deep understanding of the ‘why?’ without neglecting the rigorous analysis of the ‘how?’ He appeals as much to the highly analytical engineer as he does to the visionary artist or the more spiritual contributor. Besides his business life, Justin had a very full life in South Africa having played State level cricket for a number of years, flying light aircraft as a hobby and writing his own weekly column in the largest circulation newspaper. However after learning more about his own deep motivators, he and his wife made a life choice to give it all up and migrate to Australia. He subsequently studied life planning with George Kinder one of the forefathers of the concept in the USA and has qualified as one of only two Registered Life Planners ® in Australia.

Justin specialises in dealing with intelligent, successful people, usually between 40 and 55 years old who want to live a meaningful, congruent life and know it’s possible.

Proven Results

Over the past 30 years, Justin has advised over 2000 clients most of whom are financially successful. Through his non-judgmental, caring approach, he has been able to make a significant difference to most regardless of their situation. He has a unique ability to combine a deep emotional resonance with a rigorous planning approach and has a special ability to help clients gain insights they had never before contemplated. His view is that “there’s no point in delving deeply into what’s important unless you give yourself the greatest probability of achieving it”.


  • Superannuation
  • Insurance Protection
  • Managing Debt
  • Retirement & Pension
  • Self Managed SuperFunds
  • Socially Responsible
  • Small Business Advice
  • Borrowing
  • Tax Strategies
  • Growing Assets
  • Wills & Estates
  • Budgeting

My fees

I offer a free initial consultation for potential new clients. Get in touch

Recent reviews

At a glance

  • Adviser status Gold
  • Rating 5.00
  • Number of reviews 10
  • First year providing advice 1999
  • Years of experience 26
  • Highest qualification
    • Certified Financial Planner (CFP)
  • Language spoken
    • English

Sentinel Wealth Management Pty Ltd

Level 24, 56 Pitt Street
Sydney, NSW 2000

Opening hours

  • 8:00am – 6:00pm Monday – Friday

Licensed by

Sentinel Wealth Management Pty Ltd

AFSL 336426