Philippa Hunt

Wisegirls Money

25 Yrs Experience
Melbourne, VIC 3000

Philippa is one of the few women in Australia who holds her own privately-held Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL) and almost two decades of experience in the financial services industry and specifically financial planning. She is a sought-after adviser when it comes to planning for a secure, worry free and enjoyable retirement no matter where you are in your life journey.

WisegirlsMoney Academy was established by Philippa as a course in financial literacy education for women to teach them real financial skills and develop their own capability to reach their financial independence.

The Wisegirls Money Program (TM) is designed as a structured personal program for women to gain insight into their own values, attitudes and personality preferences that segues into their relationship with money, how they spend, save and invest their money and is conducted in a ladies-only environment through a fun and informal program. This approach of psychology and finance has never been done before and reported by women with great results.

If you have had a change in your life circumstances, or are planning for a life change or want to ensure you are on the right path to financial security and want to know that you will achieve your desired retirement, whatever that may look like for you, Philippa can assist you.

Her previous professional experience in HR and Organisational Psychology for many years developed her skill to relate to clients and women in educational programs on a personal level. She feels her experience in Psychology brings a special insight and this is her greatest gifts as it allows her to devise the most appropriate life plan for each individual.


  • Government Assistance
  • Superannuation
  • Insurance Protection
  • Managing Debt
  • Retirement & Pension
  • Self Managed SuperFunds
  • Growing Assets
  • Wills & Estates
  • Budgeting

Recent reviews

At a glance

  • Adviser status Silver
  • Rating 4.83
  • Number of reviews 3
  • First year providing advice 2000
  • Years of experience 25
  • Highest qualification
    • Bachelor of Business Management
  • Language spoken
    • English

Wisegirls Money

430 Little Collins St
Melbourne, VIC 3000

Opening hours

  • 9:00am – 6:00pm Monday – Friday

Meeting methods

  • Phone

Licensed by

Seachange Strategic Investments

AFSL 481202