I have operated my Financial Services business for 28 Years, servicing Canberra and surrounding NSW areas. I hold the following qualifications in addition to my CFP accreditation. Chartered Accountant, Registered Tax Agent & Accredited Mortgage Consultant. I employee 7 degree qualified Accountants 3 of these are Chartered Accontants, 2 qualified Financial Advisers & 4 support staff to assist me is advising my clients.
My fees
I offer a free initial consultation for potential new clients.
Get in touch
Please refer to our website for a detailed report of our fees. http://gwm.net.au/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Gillespie-Financial-Summary.pdf
At a glance
Adviser status
- First year providing advice 2001
- Years of experience 24
Highest qualification
- Bachelor of Arts (Accounting)
Language spoken
- English
Findex Advice Services Pty Ltd
15 Tench StKingston, ACT 2604

Opening hours
- 9:00am – 5:00pm Monday – Friday
Licensed by
Parkhill Home Loans Pty Limited
AFSL 478547