Financial planning is the process of meeting goals through the proper management of your finances. Your financial
independence and future quality of life are vital issues that should not be left to chance. At “For Sure Financial
Planning”, we understand this and can help you secure your future by providing tailored protection advice along
with financial strategies designed to create and preserve wealth.
Our aim is to work closely with you throughout the financial strategy process to ensure a strong and lifelong trust
is built between us. For Sure Financial Planning’s philosophy is to offer peace of mind, security and confidence to
all our clients.
My fees
I offer a free initial consultation for potential new clients.
Get in touch
At a glance
Adviser status
- First year providing advice 1997
- Years of experience 28
Highest qualifications
- Diploma of Financial Planning (DFP 1-4)
- Advanced Diploma of Financial Planning
Language spoken
- English
For Sure Financial Planning Pty Ltd
201 Foreshore DriveGeraldton, WA 6530

Opening hours
- 9:00am – 5:00pm Monday – Friday
Meeting methods
- In person
- Phone
- Video call
Licensed by
Symmetry Group Pty Ltd
AFSL 426385