After more than decade working closely with clients to strengthen their financial position, I decided to take a year out to provide intensive support to a number of agricultural businesses and reflect on where my passion and values align to best support clients achieve their financial freedom. It is from here that I created Height Capital.
Height Capital was created with the sole intent of designing a business around a solid wealth management model that I believe is most effective at helping clients achieve their best financial outcome.
At Height Capital we are committed to helping clients achieve their financial goals through providing the following services:
- Strategic Advice tailored towards the client’s long-term goals;
- 3 Pillars of Wealth – Height Capital has a unique approach that drives the long-term direction of the client's portfolio that looks at how the capital is created, how its invested and how it’s going to be used at a later date. A detailed understanding of each of these attributes are key to a successful implementation of a wealth strategy.
If this interests you and you would like to receive more information on Height Capital as a client or as a potential association you can connect with me through LinkedIn Messenger, via email at or give me a call on 0407 868 956.
My fees
At a glance
- Adviser status Platinum
- First year providing advice 2008
- Years of experience 17
Highest qualifications
- Certified Financial Planner (CFP)
- Graduate Diploma of Financial Planning
Language spoken
- English
Height Capital Management Pty Ltd
Level 1, 126 Wellington ParadeEast Melbourne, VIC 3002 22 Halifax Ave
Heidelberg, VIC 3084
Opening hours
- 8:00am – 6:00pm Monday, Friday
- 8:00am – 7:00pm Tuesday – Thursday
- 9:00am – 1:00pm Saturday
Licensed by
Height Capital Management Pty Ltd
AFSL 500656