Personal financial life planning that’s about one thing. You.
We work for you on a 12-month retainer, we’re more than traditional financial advisers. We’re your personal CFO and sounding board. No commissions. No doubts we’re always working in your best interests.
And that’s why our brand of personal financial planning and advice is just that. Personal.
Financial advice that revolves around your personal life goals.
Instead of starting with a limited range of financial products, we start with you and your life goals and work back from there, creating a financial plan that’s as unique as you are.
Instead of ‘consultations’, we simply have conversations. We talk. More specifically, you talk. And before we provide any sort of advice, we do a whole lot of listening.
What’s more, because we don’t work on an hourly rate, you don’t have to watch the clock.
My fees
Personal financial life planning that’s about one thing. You.
We work for you on a 12-month retainer, we’re more than traditional financial advisers. We’re your personal CFO and sounding board. No commissions. No doubts we’re always working in your best interests.
And that’s why our brand of personal financial planning and advice is just that. Personal.
Financial advice that revolves around your personal life goals.
Instead of starting with a limited range of financial products, we start with you and your life goals and work back from there, creating a financial plan that’s as unique as you are.
Instead of ‘consultations’, we simply have conversations. We talk. More specifically, you talk. And before we provide any sort of advice, we do a whole lot of listening.
What’s more, because we don’t work on an hourly rate, you don’t have to watch the clock.
Recent reviews
At a glance
- Adviser status Bronze
- Rating
- Number of reviews 32
- First year providing advice 2017
- Years of experience 8
Highest qualification
- Graduate Diploma of Financial Planning
Language spoken
- English
Scope Advisory
Level 1, 12-14 Thelma StWest Perth, WA 6005
Opening hours
- 9:00am – 5:00pm Monday – Friday
Licensed by
Scope Licensee Services Pty Ltd
AFSL 492134