Jared Ebeling

It's a Matter of Money

18 Yrs Experience
Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450

We all need money. We don’t live for money, but to live, it’s a matter of it.

Food, housing, clothing and transportation are the essentials but as human beings we live to enjoy life and experience it, travel and have adventure, eat out and enjoy flavour. We were made to look, feel, and touch the world.

Money can’t buy happiness, but the lack of money often leads to stress, strained relationships and unhappiness. There is not much you can do for long, without money.

We can make money by working and we can make money by investing wisely and letting those investments work for us, so you don’t have to always be working. Bringing you more freedom and giving you options when it comes to living life the way you want to.

It is our business to provide professional financial advice to individuals, couples and families so you can live, unburdened by the lack of money and financial direction. Developing a plan for your money is a wise and generous choice for both yourself and your loved ones.

Money matters, and it’s never too early to start or late to begin planning how to manage and improve your financial life, now and into the future.

Jared Ebeling AFP B Bus Fin Econ DFS

Finance Industry Experience

Jared started his career in finance in 2004 with Westpac. He then began working for nab in 2007 as Senior Financial Planner and held the responsibility of liaising with senior management of NAB, mentoring junior advisers and being part of key improvement projects throughout NAB including designing a new client experience program in 2019 for NAB financial planning Australia wide.

During his time at NAB Jared received numerous awards for outstanding client service. In 2018 Jared was awarded the prestigious "NAB Honour Award". This is an exclusive award given to the top 1% of employees in the NAB Group worldwide for outstanding service to clients and upholding the highest ethics.

In 2020 after a NAB re-structure, Jared was approached by NAB and was offered the opportunity to move into his own practice. Jared accepted this opportunity which has allowed him to keep servicing his much loved clients in his new business “It’s a matter of money” operating under the InterPrac Financial Planning Pty Ltd licensee.

Jared is a highly accomplished, solutions-driven Senior Financial Planner, able to handle a wide range of client financial advice needs. A relentless passionate planner and problem-solver with a strong understanding of various strategies that help enable Jared’s clients to live the life they want to.

Jared has a great reputation in the local community and receives many referrals as a result.

Jared has a particular interest and specialty in pre and post retirement planning advice and has helped hundreds of clients improve their life leading up to retirement and living in retirement.

Give Jared a call today on 02 56265377 visit our website www.itsamatterofmoney.com or email on admin@itsamatterofmoney.com


  • Government Assistance
  • Superannuation
  • Insurance Protection
  • Managing Debt
  • Retirement & Pension
  • Self Managed SuperFunds
  • Shares & Investments
  • Cashflow & Income
  • Tax Strategies
  • Growing Assets

Recent reviews

At a glance

  • Adviser status Gold
  • Rating 4.96
  • Number of reviews 12
  • First year providing advice 2007
  • Years of experience 18
  • Highest qualification
    • Bachelor of Business
  • Language spoken
    • English

It's a Matter of Money

Unit 2B, 30 Orlando St
Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450

Opening hours

  • 9:00am – 4:30pm Monday – Friday

Licensed by

Interprac Securities

AFSL 246638